Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Paranoia Possibly... but worth thinking about
I can't take credit for this one.


Ok, am I crazy or what? I have this suspicious feeling that Nick Berg
was working WITH the same terrorists that sawed his head off. I think
he knew he was going to be killed (maybe not get his head cut off, but
shot or something), and felt he would be considered a martyr by the
Islamic terrorists with whom he was operating with. I believe he was
basically serving the same purpose as all of the Palestinian suicide
bombers, except in his role he was allowing himself to be made an
example of to the American people. I say this because of some of the
things I have read: his connection with Zacarias Moussaoui, the copy of
the Koran and an anti-Semitic tract he was carrying when he was picked
up by the American military (keep in mind that he is a Jewish American,
so why is he anti-Semitic?), a passport with an Israeli stamp on it,
plus the fact that he IS IN IRAQ. Why the f*ck is he in Iraq? Looking
for work? Bulls*it! I think the guy went to Iraq in defiance of the
American occupation there. I think that he purposely sought out
Al-Quaeda (sp?) among other Islamic terrorists located in Iraq because
he was "on their side" and wanted to oppose the war in Iraq. He just
looks like a sick individual. To further bolster my point, it has been
reported that the US military offered to bring Berg home to the US free
of charge yet he declined saying, "you don't understand these people
like I do." There is no arguing it - Nick Berg was an Islamic terrorist
made to believe he was a martyr by allowing himself to be killed in the
name of Allah. I rest my case.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Thought it was funny...
An email I received today:
Alright, Everyone hates these forwards, but there are some of you I haven't seen in a while and just want to let you know I miss you and am thinking about u.
Hope everybody is doing AWESOME!  

From now on I will no longer use the words "Sincerely", "Cheers" or "Yours Truly" as my letter closing. I will instead use, "Hope you are doing AWESOME!"

Example email from me with my new found letter closing:

Dear AI,
I received your email today. Man things couldn't be more AWESOME for me right now. I got over that pesky infection and my dead uncle's estate was finally settled. I am rolling in some extra dough! I am thinking about buying a city or a Ford F150. How is everything with you?
Hope you are doing AWESOME!

Friday, May 14, 2004
Words To Live By
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their
shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away
and you have their shoes.
Basketball and Autoparts
I am involved in a basketball game and I do not have shoes on. I am pacing the sidelines as coach has seen fit to leave me out of this game. I look out at the enormous gymnasium and all I see is our team of five players and the opposing team of five players and people sitting on a football-field-sized basketball court fixing auto-parts.
Coach pulls me over when the score reaches 100 to 48 in our favor and tells me to go in for Roger (I don't know a Roger). He also sends in my little brother. I put on my long black socks with the 3 white stripes and I throw on some basketball shoes. I run out to join my team that just took possession of the ball. I get a quick pass and I dribble around a girl cleaning a spark plug and soar in for a dunk.
The opposing team attempts to take the ball out of bounds but I knock the player to the floor and pick him up with the ball. I shake him loose and he goes stumbling to the floor and falls on a carburator. I talk some smack and dunk the basketball again.
The game is over now and I am walking back to the locker room when I wake up.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Currently Thinking
Well ya'll (southern), turns out I have a new favorite drink. I am a big coffee drinker. I love me some coffee in the morning. I find it hard to function without it. The coffee shop that I frequent the most is Expresso Royale in downtown Athens, Georgia. The shop is only a stone's throw away from where I work so it is easy for me to slip out and grab a cup of joe. Espresso Royale offers a deal where if you buy 10 cups of coffee (regardless of size) you get one free. Well, I drink about 10 cups of coffee a week in an attempt to get to that 10th cup. Why do I get so excited about that 10th cup? Because, I always order the Peanut Butter Mocha. I only treat myself to this pleasure on that 10th cup. Why only on the 10th cup? Because, it is a caloric juggernaut, it is more expensive, and I can't take that surgary of a drink on a daily basis. Well there you go... a little insight into how I operate. Just tryin' to keep it gangsta.
I realize that this entry should have been placed under the "Pointless" heading.
Some people like to use the word "gamut" WAY too much.

Does this even work in a sentence?

"I am going to give you a gamut of information about security."
No Dreams Worth Writing
Well last night was very uneventful... nocturnally. My dream consisted of a long and drawn out explanation of how to attach a cage to the back of a truck. The dream was very informative since I have never attached a cage to the back of a truck. However, I have no inclination to attach a cage to the back of a truck so I was very unimpressed by my dream.
Suffice it to say, I am disappointed in me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Cyclops the Cat
I woke up this morning with a feeling that I was crazy.
My feelings probably had something to do with the fact that I spent my slumbering moments talking to a cyclops cat named Sandy.

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